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services. a brief overview 

project management/ employers agent. Greystoke Projects takes on the lead consultant role to deliver the finished product for our clients.  We establish our clients requirements, procure full teams and advise on the appropriate procurement methods.   We establish the project procedures and develop the management framework that ensures delivery of the desired end product.   We look at programming to ensure realistic timescales, with milestone identified early on to track progress.  During building works we chair regular team meetings and  establish responsibility for quality control to ensure compliance with the specifications and design detail.   We ensure a smooth transition as the building is handed over to our clients ensuring any pre- contract criteria is met with any third party  requirements addressed such as planning conditions.    

contract administration. Most standard construction contracts will require the appointment of an individual responsible for administering the contract. Greystoke Projects can fulfil this role and monitor that the client and contractor are adhering to the terms of the contractual agreement.  Although appointed by the client, Greystoke Projects must act independently, honestly and responsibly when making assessments and decisions.   Greystoke Projects have administered many construction contracts, specifically those produced by the Joints Contract Tribunal (JCT) , whose contracts are normally a requirement for third party funding from banks and other financial institutions. 

cost consultancy/commercial management. Greystoke Projects can give expert advice on development and construction costs.  Establishing, reviewing and controlling costs is critical to ensuring a project is affordable and offers good value for money.   We assist our clients and design teams to assess and compare different options and once a procurement strategy is agreed, we track costs to ensure they remain under control as the project progresses.    Greystoke Projects has extensive experience of all aspect of quantity surveying and commercial management, including development appraisals, cost planning and estimates, preparing tender documentation, tender assessment, contract execution, valuations, reviewing claims, cost reporting, and agreeing final accounts. As part of assessing costs we review project risks and advise on appropriate risk mitigation and control strategies.   

cdm principal designer. The Construction (Design and Management) Regulations are intended to make sure that health and safety issues are properly considered during the project so that the risk of injury and harm to those who build, use and maintain the buildings is reduced.  In this role, Greystoke Projects has a responsibility to co -ordinate health and safety during the pre- construction phase of a project and ensure as much information as possible is given to the contractor to allow the contractor assess and manage risks appropriately. 

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